90-60-90, diario secreto de una adolescente
2009 / Antena 3
TV Series
Many adolescents are attracted to the world of fashion. Fashion shows, photo studios, ads and commercials, magazine covers… It’s all connected one way or another to the idea of a relatively easy ride to success. Seemingly, just by being born beautiful, a girl can believe fame, fortune, and glamour are all within her reach… That she’ll become a target for the paparazzi, be the centre of attention... That her romances will transcend all borders, her style will set global trends... A whole wide world of luxury will open up before her eyes. But even the world’s best-known models are eliminated from countless casting sessions. From the bottom to the very top they must stand in endless queues, spend thousands of hours waiting around, share tiny rooms, eat snack food, travel without being able to see anything of their destination, be treated like a mere “clothes-hanger”. Worse still, studies, boyfriends and friends all get abandoned along the way. And in most cases, it all comes to nothing. Even if they do attain a certain level, the image models are required to conform to can suddenly change and they can find themselves out of work from one day to the next. Nor should we overlook the fact that these girls – now recruited as early as age thirteen – receive very little training. Previously, they were taught the ropes, trained in the art of the catwalk, how to pose for the cameras... Now it’s the daily grind that serves as their apprenticeship. They live alone, denied the support of their families, without educators... And immersed in an enticing world of parties, alcohol and drugs. To this is added the physical sacrifice involved in having to stay within parameters that are more than exacting. Stay slim, weigh light... It’s no wonder that under these circumstances anorexia and bulimia take their toll. “90-60-90” aims to reflect some of this. A lot of this. The good along with the bad. It aims to open the eyes of a lot of star-struck girls. So we enter the world of fashion hand in hand with Mel and Africa, two close friends, just sixteen. Africa has chosen what seemed to be the easiest option; she knows she’s pretty and intends to exploit it. Mel, our protagonist, on the other hand, more calm and focussed than her friend, has chosen this track out of her responsibility to her kid sister. Their mother was killed in a tragic accident, and she was all the two girls had. Through the young, innocent eyes of Mel and Africa, we will experience all this. With them, we will aspire to make a dream come true – to be a model. And with them, we will try to do it right; to discover the positive, honest and dedicated side of a wonderful profession. But with them, too, we will suffer the disappointments, the dangers and the risks for two young girls in a world infested with business sharks. “90-60-90”, though, is also a love story. Many love stories, in fact. But mainly the love story between Mel and her favourite photographer, Bruno, a 41-year-old man with a daughter the same age as Mel. It’s an impossible love, unacceptable to a hypocritical society weighed down by false morals. A pure, fantasy love that the more corrupt will attempt to malign as dirty and self-interested.
Additional Information
16 x 50' prime-time drama series produced for Antena 3 Televisión. Original version: Spanish.
Joan Noguera
90-60-90, diario secreto de una adolescente
Esmeralda Moya
Carla Campra
Ana Rujas
Jordi Ballester
Marta Marco
Jesús Olmedo
Nadia de Santiago
Nerea Garmendia
Eduardo Velasco
Assumpta Serna
Isak Ferriz
Adrián Marín
Ana Gracia
Fanny Gautier
Pablo Penedo
Àlex Adrover