1000 ways to eat an egg
TV Movie
On a mission to fulfil Paloma’s last request, her friends Carol and Mariona, travel with her sister Bego to Valencia to scatter her ashes. The journey, which seems to be orchestrated from the great beyond by Paloma herself, is a double odyssey. It is a comic adventure where the ashes, first in an urn and later in a luxury designer bag, take centre stage; and a dramatic adventure of the friends’ reencounter with the erstwhile object of their desire, their former gymnastics coach. In the end, the three women come to understand each other, healing old wounds and enabling them to deal with their own personal conflicts. They also discover that at age 40, life has only just begun.
Additional Information
A coproduction of Diagonal TV, Malvarrosa Media, Televisió de Catalunya and Televisió Valenciana, with the support of the Institut Català de les Indústries Culturals (Generalitat de Catalunya) and the Generalitat Valenciana. Shot in País Valencià in HD.
Carmen Fernández Villalba
Rafa Montesinos
1000 ways to eat an egg
Sílvia Bel
Olalla Moreno
Cristina Plazas
Àgata Roca
Juan Gea
Cristian Akino
Pep Sellés
Lara Sanchís
Emilio Mencheta