Moncloa ¿Dígame?
2001 / Telecinco
TV Series
The plots of this weekly sitcom are based along two main lines: on one hand, the lives and miracles of the protagonists and the stormy relationships between them; on the other, the workplace conflicts typical of a governmental press and protocol department. Most people know only the politicians that appear in the media, but often ask what life must be like for those who work for them behind the scenes. So the daily functioning of a press and protocol department, taken from a humorous angle, offers the perfect setting for a comedy series revealing the ins and outs of political decision-making.
Additional Information
13 x 30’ weekly sitcom produced for Telecinco in coproduction with El Terrat. Original version: Spanish Broadcast in 2001.
Sergi Pompermayer, Maite Carranza, Roberto García, David Plana, Lluís Llort
Oriol Grau
Moncloa ¿Dígame?
Javier Veiga
Manuel Manquiña
Anna Rayo
Manuel Prieto
Anna Mª Barbany
Mercè Mariné
Paco Leon